Advance Keyword Research Free Tool



The importance of keyword research.

Is keyword research strategic or tactical? When we use keywords, we reinforce the expectations of the searcher. As marketers, it is then our responsibility to meet these expectations. Choosing the right keywords and having relevant content to match them is key to achieving conversions. Keyword usage and keyword research is therefore a strategic function.


What happens when you use the wrong keywords?

 You waste important resources, you don't reach the right audience and you attract visitors who won't convert. Think about how long it takes to get maximum search visibility for difficult keywords, only to find out that they are the wrong keywords - it's a waste of time.


How it relates to other marketing channels and The role of keyword research .

Keywords are the basic elements of all online and offline marketing campaigns. This means tactics such as SEO, PPC, mobile, social, local, video and image, as well as traditional marketing. Keywords were used to name products and services. References to keywords and subsequent interactions with the website can provide clues about consumer behaviour and preferences.

